Collection: Purple Rugs

The color purple has long been as associated with royalty. In part, this was due to the fact that the dye was hard to come by and expensive in the days of natural colors and dyes. Today, a purple rug is affordable and within reach of anyone who wants to use the color in designing a wonderful room. Purple area rugs are a powerful statement of luxury and prestige. They can also serve as an spot of color which is deep and rich, rather than glaring or overly bright.

The range of intensity for the color purple is wide, giving you options from solid to delicately pastel. A dark purple rug is quiet and restful and may be a perfect choice for a spot to curl up with a historical novel or a steamy romance. At the other end of the color intensity range is a lavender rug. This is an option which might be selected by a little princess in your household. Delicate pastels seem to fit the room of a little girl or even into the teenage years.

Rugs in various purple colors can be solid or patterned. They can be combined with blends of other colors, or be a monochromatic color scheme. The fiber and backing of these rugs will help you to determine the expected lifespan of the rugs you choose for your home.  

Choosing an affordable, yet high quality rug in the best size for your home is an easy way to find a décor that suits your personality and style preferences. You can visit our showroom to see a wide range of colors and styles in the same type of light which you will find in your own home.